
Business Contuinity Management Systems

What is ISO 22301:2019?

ISO 22301 is the international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS), providing a framework for organizations to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and continuously improve a documented management system.This system aims to protect against, reduce the likelihood of, and ensure recovery from disruptive incidents, including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, infrastructure failures, and planned outages, thus safeguarding business operations from all types of disruptions.

Why is 22301:2019 important?

ISO 22301:2019 is important because it is relevant to organizations of all sizes and industries, emphasizing the universal impact of disruptive events, as highlighted by the pandemic.
This standard is particularly crucial for companies in high-risk sectors like utilities, financial services, oil and gas, transportation, telecom, and food and beverage production, as well as for public sector organizations where continued operation is critical.
An ISO 22301 compliant business continuity management system generally gives a clear and detailed view of how an organization operates.

Other benefits are:
• Maintain a continuity management plan;
• Protect assets, turnover, and profits;
• Meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Who needs ISO 22301?

Any kind of organization – large or small, for profit or non-profit, private or public – can benefit from ISO 22301. The standard was conceived in such a way that it is applicable to any size or type of organization

In which areas can CERT-ERN support you?

Certification always starts with understanding the standard and implementing a compliant management system. CERT-ERN can provide relevant training, assessments, gap analysis and certification.If you have any suggestions on how we can better assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime.